The ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE) is scheduled to take place from July 15th to July 19th, 2024, in Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil.
I have reservations about holding such a major conference (actually, ANY conference) in Porto de Galinhas due to its stunning beauty! Imagine traveling from the other side of the world only to be confined indoors all day. Would you really want to spend your entire day indoors when you've traveled from the other side of the world to witness this beauty? 🙂 I intend to go. I'm already looking at ticket prices!
But I'm sure the organizers will do their best to keep you engaged and excited about the latest research developments in Software Engineering. And who knows, maybe you'll stay a few more days or come back another time to enjoy the beach?
Registration deadline: Thursday, September 21, 2023
Submission deadline: Thursday, September 28, 2023
”We invite high-quality submissions, from both industry and academia, describing original and unpublished results of theoretical, empirical, conceptual, and experimental software engineering research.
Contributions should describe innovative and significant original research. Papers describing groundbreaking approaches to emerging problems are also welcome, as well as replication papers. Submissions that facilitate reproducibility by using available datasets or making the described tools and datasets publicly available are especially encouraged. For a list of specific topics of interest, please see the
end of this call.”
This CFP refers to the Research Track of FSE. Papers must be submitted electronically through the FSE 2024 submission site:
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning for software engineering
- Autonomic computing
- Debugging and fault localization
- Dependability, safety, and reliability
- Distributed and collaborative software engineering
- Embedded software, safety-critical systems, and cyber-physical systems
- Empirical software engineering
- Human and social aspects of software engineering
- Human-computer interaction
- Mining software repositories
- Mobile development
- Model checking
- Model-driven engineering
- Parallel, distributed, and concurrent systems
- Performance engineering
- Program analysis
- Program comprehension
- Program repair
- Program synthesis
- Programming languages
- Recommendation systems
- Requirements engineering
- Search-based software engineering
- Services, components, and cloud
- Software architectures
- Software engineering education
- Software engineering for machine learning and artificial intelligence
- Software evolution
- Software processes
- Software security
- Software testing
- Software traceability
- Symbolic execution
- Tools and environments
- Marcelo d'Amorim (General Chair), North Carolina State University
- Leopoldo Teixeira (Conference and Local Organization Chair), Federal
University of Pernambuco
- David Lo (Program Co-Chair), Singapore Management University
- Lin Tan (Program Co-Chair), Purdue University
- Breno Miranda (Finance Chair), Federal University of Pernambuco
- Chris Brown (Web Co-Chair), Virginia Tech
- John-Paul Ore (Web Co-Chair), North Carolina State University
- Dalal Alrajeh (Artifact Evaluation Co-Chair), Imperial College London
- Maria Teresa Baldassarre (Doctoral Symposium Co-Chair), University of Bari
- Antonia Bertolino (Journal First Co-Chair), National Research Council, Italy
- Jan Bosch (Industry Co-Chair), Chalmers University of Technology
- Joanna C. S. Santos (Tutorials Co-Chair), University of Notre Dame
- Satish Chandra (Industry Mentoring Co-Chair), Meta Platforms
- Marsha Chechik (New Ideas and Visions Co-Chair), University of Toronto
- Jürgen Cito (Tutorials Co-Chair), TU Wien
- Tayana Conte (Diversity and Inclusion Co-Chair), Universidade
Federal do Amazonas
- Cristina David (Workshops Co-Chair), University of Bristol
- Alessandra Gorla (Demonstration Co-Chair), IMDEA Software Institute
- Jin L.C. Guo (Demonstration Co-Chair), McGill University
- Dan Hao (New Faculty Mentoring Co-Chair), Peking University
- Rashina Hoda (Diversity and Inclusion Co-Chair), Monash University
- Sandeep Kuttal (Artifact Evaluation Co-Chair), North Carolina State University
- Wing Lam (Doctoral Symposium Co-Chair), George Mason University
- Qingwei Lin (New Ideas and Visions Co-Chair), Microsoft
- Yang Liu (Student Research Competition Co-Chair), Nanyang
Technological University
- Tim Menzies (Journal First Co-Chair), North Carolina State University
- Leonardo Murta (Social Media Co-Chair), Universidade Federal Fluminense
- Liliana Pasquale (Student Volunteer Co-Chair), University College
Dublin & Lero
- Márcio Ribeiro (Sponsorship Co-Chair), Federal University of Alagoas
- Julia Rubin (Student Volunteer Co-Chair), University of British Columbia
- Bonita Sharif (Demonstration Co-Chair), University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Andrea Stocco (Social Media Co-Chair), Technical University of
Munich & fortiss
- Kathryn Stolee (New Faculty Mentoring Co-Chair), North Carolina
State University
- Christoph Treude (Sponsorship Co-Chair), University of Melbourne
- Eran Yahav (Industry Mentoring Co-Chair), Technion
- Tianyi Zhang (Student Research Competition Co-Chair), Purdue University
- Roshanak Zilouchian Moghaddam (Industry Co-Chair), Microsoft
Full CFP at